21 of My Most-Memorable Applications of Energy Medicine

21 of My Most Memorable Applications of Energy Medicine

21 of My Most-Memorable Applications of Energy Medicine

Ok. It’s time to keep it real.

I understand that the term ‘energy medicine’ might not mean much to you. And fair enough. It’s a broad and fancy term that tries to describe a type of healing remedy that works with the body’s energy system. Helping to clear blocks in energy flow and assist the body to balance and regulate itself optimally for whatever situation you’re in.

But even that little explanation is a little underwhelming.

When I explain it in that way to people, they generally just go… oh that’s cool.

I’ll be honest. This is a point of frustration for me.

Energy Medicine is more than cool. It’s frickin’ mind-blowing. 🤯

It will change your life.


Energy medicine techniques are the simple actions you can take to look after yourself and your body. Without needing the help of anyone or anything else.

And while the actions are small, the results are huge.

I think we’ve become so accustomed to living with our ailments, allergies, and anxieties that we can forget what life might be like to be FREE of them. To not have to over-prepare, compromise, avoid or endure. To REMEMBER that we have the POWER to help and heal our own bodies.

So, I had this little inspiration to make a list of examples of how Energy Medicine has helped me and my clients over the years. To demonstrate the very real and practical ways in which these techniques can bring relief, alleviation, and liberation from small niggly stressors to larger life-altering upsets.

I thought I’d just make it a ‘Top 5’. But as I began brainstorming and recalling, the list blew out to 10, to 15 and then to 21 before I thought I better cap it. (Story of my life 🤐!)

So here it is…20 of my most memorable applications of energy medicine.


I have learned that energy medicine can help you:

#1. Settle your nausea after a bad pub meal.

#2. Keep your cool while dealing with the Telstra call centre.

#3. Reset your system after getting abused by a psycho at the dog park.

#4. Restore your energy after seeing a disturbing advertising billboard.

#5. Stop a child having a violent tantrum in the loungeroom without leaving your kitchen.

#6. Release pent-up frustration during a 3-hour traffic jam.

#7. Maintain calm while being repeatedly slapped by a client.

#8. Revive yourself after sitting in front of the computer all day.

#9. Survive a car trip when your husband is pretending to be a rally-driver.

#10. Prevent a panic attack driving over the West Gate Bridge.

#11. Cure an allergic rash to something your in-law’s English cottage garden.

#12. Prime yourself to meet Oprah and be on her show.

#13. Relax your quadriceps after a 180km bicycle ride in preparation for a 42.2km marathon run during an Ironman triathlon.

#14. Stop an allergic reaction in the laundry product aisle at Coles.

#15. Calm a panic attack after you’ve just left your corporate job.

#16. Help yourself and your kids get to sleep after watching a scary movie.

#17. Soothe your anxiety travelling on a sea plane, a helicopter, or jet boat.

#18. Prepare to walk down the aisle.

#19. Support yourself and your beloved dog as you nurse him through his last hours on Earth.

#20. Avoid getting overwhelmed, exhausted, or drained by Christmas shopping, football crowds, family holidays, shopping centres, full moons, social media, hospitals, mainstream media, pollution, difficult people, work politics, chemical sensitivities, and all manner of electromagnetic stressors – wifi, devices, phones and computers.

#21. Remain standing upright as you have your photo taken with Jamie Fraser.


What is your most memorable application of Energy Medicine? When did you use it and were amazed by the results? I’d LOVE to hear it. Get in touch. (I might start the next list!)

I promise you that there’s no fake news here.

All these applications are real, from real-life stories, and I can tell you about them and exactly which energy medicine techniques I used, but we can't do it here. If you’d like to know more and if you’d like to LEARN how you to perform simple energy medicine technique s and apply them in your life, join me for Energy First Aid.

In this one-day workshop you'll learn many of the above applications - how to settle nausea, clear allergic reactions, prevent panic attacks, get to sleep, restore your energy, prepare for and recover from stressful events, and more!