Do you want to do Business a different way?


Imagine what it would be like to truly connect with the essence of your Business and to understand that it has a divine purpose, just like you.

Imagine if you were to embrace that your Business is an energy system, just like you.

Imagine what it would be like to stop adopting business strategies that don’t feel ‘right’ to you, and instead trust what your intuition and your Heart is telling you about the way you want to do business.

Did you know that it is possible to operate a Business by:

  • Working with your own rhythm, maximising the natural ebbs and flows of your energy system and the rhythms of nature.

  • Trusting the spontaneous creativity that arises from deep within, allowing things to unfold and evolve.

  • Co-creating with your Business, operating ethically to make a meaningful contribution to the whole.

  • Maintaining harmonious relationships within your business functions and with external parties, ensuring they are mutually supportive and flow with ease.

  • Relaxing your fixation on financial goals and external markers of success, letting them become a by-product of focus, flow and ‘purposeful productivity’.  

Energy Balancing for Business can help you with -transitioning to a new way of doing business that feels good to your soul.

I wouldn’t have thought it was possible either…


I was ejected gracelessly from the business world.

I won’t lie, it hurt.

Physically definitely, but emotionally and spiritually even more so. As I recovered from chronic illness, detoxing from a hard-nosed corporate culture, I came to reconnect with my ‘Self,’ the version of me that existed outside of the academic and corporate institutions I had been in for nearly all my life:

  • Who was I if I wasn’t working 9 to 5?

  • Who was I if I didn’t have deliverables and deadlines? 

  • Who was I if I wasn’t answering to a boss or leading a team?

  • Who was I if I didn’t have to adhere to a corporate dress code?

Finding out who I was outside of the institutional construct has been nothing short of a wild ride. The stuff worthy of Glinda the Good Witch’s wise words: ‘Because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn it for herself.’

I came to disown my ‘old’ self. The business me. The corporate me. Dare I say it, the ‘evil’ me. I shut her out. Even though I’ve been running a business. A business that I feel called to and care very deeply for.

I want this business to succeed. Not because I want to make a shit-tonne of money, but because I truly believe that it can be of service to people who need it, giving clients clarity, compassion, healing, and permission to release their pain and live their purpose.

But I’ve come to realise that leaving my ‘evil business self’ trembling in a dark corner was never going to work. With every business intention I’ve battled inner conflict:

  • How do I manifest without manipulating things and people?

  • How do I communicate without cajoling?

  • How do I ‘take charge’ without being controlling?

  • How do I sell without selling out?

I had worked so hard to escape the old behavioural patterns associated with this business self – over-working, striving, pressuring, driving standards, and a fixation on external benchmarks. And yet in watching one simple marketing webinar I could be returned there in an instant.

It felt like I was constantly trying to re-enter the business world as my true ‘Self’ but time and again feeling the pressure to return to the ‘business self’ that I had abandoned.

This constant vicious cycle often left me frustrated and despondent.


How do you succeed in business being your true Self? While maintaining your spiritual integrity?

My realisation was this:

I had to stop seeing myself as wrong.

I had to stop seeing that the way I wanted to operate was not wrong.

Wanting to contribute, to co-create, to co-operate with the Universe, to untether myself from money as the ONLY driver of business strategy and purpose…was not wrong.

I just needed to STOP trying to fit in.

I needed to TRUST that the way I wanted to work, in accordance with Divine Law, with the FLOW of LIFE, was in fact, a very POWERFUL way to work. And far more sustainable and fulfilling than what the mainstream business world was offering.


Want to have a chat about how we could work together? Email me here or book an enquiry call now.


As I indulged this trust and began applying the principles of energy flow and healing to my business, I discovered that it is POSSIBLE to:


  • Connecting with your business, respecting it as a spiritual entity in its own right, with its own essence, purpose and personality

  • Understanding that your business is here to make a contribution that is often hampered by your inability to listen and your projections and expectations

  • Acknowledging that your business is an interdependent part of the whole, constantly cooperating in relationships that exchange energy


  • Trusting the spontaneous creativity that arises from deep within and allowing things to unfold and evolve

  • Working according to your own rhythm, maximising the natural ebbs and flows of your energy system and the rhythms of nature (seasons, moon cycles, astrological transits)

  • Letting go of trying to ‘make it happen,’ pushing, striving, controlling or manipulating to get results


  • No longer seeing your spiritual self as separate to your business self

  • Embracing your business as spiritual practice, where every business occurrence is an opportunity to evolve and deepen your connection

  • Releasing ‘woo woo’ shame and being proud of your ability to make intuitive (even psychic!) business decisions and get the answers to problems in your dreams


If you feel inspired to adopt this way of working. Read on.


Ultimately, it’s time to recognise that your business is an energy system.

Just like you are.

It functions well when its energy flows. When it’s integrated, nourished, and supported. When its actions are aligned with its Divine purpose.

But your business is subject to the same blockages, drains, stagnation, boundary issues, coping mechanisms, and sabotage programs that you are.

And your business, just like you, doesn’t want to simply ‘work harder’ or ‘do it better’ or ‘push through.’ That’s old school thinking, and not in a good I-love-roller-skates kinda way.

It’s time that you acknowledged that you’re the guardian of this unique Business identity. And you want to help your Business to flow. You want to connect with it. Tune in to its essence. And lovingly identify where its energy flow is blocked so that you can help restore its power and potency.

Doesn’t that just feel better?


What does it mean to work with your business as an energy system?


It means being willing to adopt four guiding principles in the way you approach your business:



Your business wants to come from the Heart. It’s seeking to connect, cooperate and co-create – to contribute meaningfully to the whole. It doesn’t want you to take your spiritual inclinations and make them ‘fit’ into a toxic business culture. It wants you to take the bigger leap and embrace an entirely new paradigm. It wants to operate ethically according to the principles of Divine Law.



Your business has an essence, a purpose that it is here to express in the world. Just as you do. Your job is to facilitate the expression of that essence, just as the business will help you to express your essence and fulfil your divine purpose.



Your business wants to be energetically healthy, vital, and radiant. What does this look like? All internal business functions and external business relationships are mutually supportive and flow with ease. There is a balanced investment of energy into the right things, at the right time, in the right way. There are no drains or leaks. There’s no over-trying, over-thinking, or over-doing. Nor is there stagnation, procrastination, or wastage. You’re not waiting on a meditation cushion for the miracles promised by the Law of Attraction. There’s no manipulation. Period.

Instead, you and the business are focused, flowing and flexible. You have a purposeful productivity. You’re able to embrace your intuitive responsiveness while feeling stable and grounded. Opportunities, money, resources and support flow easily and are received with appreciation.



Your business is not separate to your spirituality. Your business honours and integrates its spirituality, healing competitive either/or thinking and the collective division between the physical and the spiritual. It operates with wholeness, restoring the complementary energies of the masculine and feminine, the intuitive and the practical and valuing intangible qualities and tangible results equally.  

Sacred Success flows from practicing all the other elements – honouring contribution, essence, and energy flow. It acknowledges that your business is a spiritual practice, an arena where you have chosen to learn, grow and evolve holistically.


Would you like to Balance the Energy of your Business?


I want to help you and your business be successful.

A success that comes from being true to yourself. By doing things in your own way. A way that has you feeling aligned, ‘on purpose’ and whole. A way that enables you to express and radiate your essence.


Using a combination of both my business and energy coaching skills, experience and expertise, I can work with you and your business to set you up for sacred success.

Offering you one-to-one or one-to-team retreats, workshops and sessions, we’ll work together to find the alignment, flow and co-creative balance in your business that has you feeling light, energised, and clear.

Using Kinesiology testing and energy balancing techniques, we’ll tap into the hidden and subconscious aspects of the business and it’s activities to gather insights for improved decision-making, more energy flow and the release of stressful or dysfunctional patterns. You can read more about energy coaching here.

Once we agree to work together, we’ll start with 2 Foundation Workshops and then you can choose the frequency with which you want to do ongoing or maintenance sessions.




Energy Balancing for Business begins with 2 half-day foundation workshops to complete an initial energy balance and lay the groundwork for ongoing or maintenance sessions. (These half-day workshops can be combined into one day-long retreat).



Connecting with and establishing clarity of the essence of the business.

Energy balancing the overall business strategy and creating a baseline for ongoing energy balancing of the business.

Session Objectives:

  • Understand the divine direction (spiritual mandate) of the business

  • Clearly articulate the vision/mission and confirm alignment with divine direction

  • Identify the essential states that reflect the essence of the business

  • Build the vibrational platform and potency of the business

  • Establish and strengthen the connection between the owner and the business

  • Enable the owner to receive guidance and insight from the business



Clearly defining responsibilities and energy boundaries to ensure collaborative and harmonious working relationships.

Create a baseline for ongoing energy balancing of the Business Functions, Roles, and Relationships. (This can be combined with the Essence of Business work).

Session Objectives:

  • Identify and understand the energetic roles and responsibilities of all the internal entities and external entities (co-creators) involved in the business

  • Provide a basis for ensuring inclusive, collaborative and harmonious working relationships of all involved in the business venture

  • Delineate clear energetic boundaries for the business owner to ensure ‘right responsibility’ and energetic integrity is maintained

  • Establish a ‘vibrational platform and potency’ baseline which serves as an attraction and alignment point for all current and potential co-creators



You can decide how frequently you wish to do ongoing energy balancing sessions. Ongoing sessions are a minimum duration of 2.5 hours, but you could also opt for a half-day or full-day retreat. Sessions are online or in-person.

The content of each session will be entirely up to you. You can decide what you wish to focus on - but it’s a good idea to let the Business decide!

There are typically 3 areas to explore:

  1. Alignment Assessment

  2. Co-Creator Flow

  3. Energy Focus

Often clients come with ‘burning questions’ they want to ask their business. Examples: When is the best time to launch my offer? Which supplier is the most aligned with my vision? Which price is in the highest good for all?



Determining the current alignment of the business and its activities with the frequency of its Essence.

The ‘nuts and bolts’ of energy balancing the business.


  • Assess whether the business is in overall alignment with its essence

  • Determine whether the business is specifically in alignment with its vision, mission and divine direction

  • Balance the energy of the business to restore alignment



Assessing energy flow between all co-creators to identify and clear blocks causing of sub-optimal flow. 

Energy balancing the flow between all co-creators.


  • Assess energy flow between the business and internal and external co-creators

  • Identify and clear blocks causing sub-optimal energy flow

  • Gain insights and identify actions to promote and sustain harmonious and productive collaborations 



Determining where the business should best focus its energy in terms of its selection and prioritisation of business offerings.

Energy balancing all current and potential products and services the business is offering.


  • Assess current and potential business offerings for alignment with divine direction

  • Determine appropriate level of focus, energy investment and timing for offerings

  • Prioritise business offerings

  • Identify potential imbalances in energy focus/expenditure

  • Investigate the root cause of problems related to business offerings (e.g., poor sales or take-up)


Does this sound amazing to you?


That’s because it kind of is!

Working with your business can be inspiring, joyful, fulfilling and purposeful. If you let it.

If you’d like to have a chat about how this could work for you then you can email me here or book an enquiry call now. I’d love to hear from you!


note: energy balancing for business is suitable for those starting out to those who’ve been in business forever. It can also be applied to working on specific projects. small businesses, sole traders, entrepreneurs, creatives, therapists and freelancers are all welcome.


Client feedback:

"It's hard to describe the value of Belinda's 'Business Energy Balance'.

I've been a fan of her work for a long time now, but the way she's crafted a solution to help businesses 'un-block' what's holding them back - is next level.

The clarity in direction and action steps I needed to take - in the space of just a few short hours, was nothing short of remarkable, and I have no doubt will continue to deliver instrumental value to my brand and business.

Everything has flowed beautifully since our session, and it's made me even more excited about what I do!"

Alexandra André, Author, Speaker & Coach

“Thanks again for a phenomenal Business Balance session!

 I can’t believe the weight that has lifted off my shoulders having the clarity of strategic focus, even with Satan’s soldiers wreaking havoc everywhere and the energetic fuckery that is right now, I feel so much calmer in the face of all the piles of shit I still have to do and am just tackling them systematically guided by what feels right to do first.”

Jenn Chin, Founder, Uncommon Kind