Your energetic boundaries are a team effort.


When you want to say 'YES!' but your body says 'NO'...

When you want to say 'NO' but your body says 'YES!'...

When you want to keep it out but it keeps getting in...

When you want to let it in but it keeps staying out...

Welcome to the Boundary Battle Ground.

When you think 'boundary issue,' does your mind immediately go to the people, places and situations which derail, drain and deplete you?

It's easy for your mind to fixate on how to 'battle' those dominating, controlling or needy drainers who keep riding roughshod over your boundaries.

But what if you've got the focus ALL wrong?

What if the battle is inside you?

And what if this internal battle is the very thing that is undermining your ability to set and maintain good energy boundaries?


Join me for a 90 minute online workshop to learn how to set boundaries from a place of self-connection, alignment, integration and ultimately, inner harmony.

(make that no mean no and yes mean yes!😀)


This workshop is for you if…👉

…you’ve struggled with poor boundaries in the past and while you’ve made some progress, you still find it difficult to stay in your own energy is particular situations often feel drained or depleted by certain people, situations or places despite your best ‘boundary-keeping’ efforts

…you still feel discomfort or stress in your body when have to say no to someone

…you still feel an undercurrent of anxiety or guilt whenever you get time for yourself or put your needs first

…you often forget to consider yourself and your needs when making plans, it’s like your ‘default’ setting is to always consider other’s first

…you often feel confused in setting priorities and making decisions because other people’s needs and agendas seem to cloud your intuition

…you tend to get sick or experience symptoms when you feel under pressure to keep a commitment find yourself in relationships where others are either needy and feeding off you or controlling and demanding things from you

In this workshop you will… 👉

  • Understand how the alignment of the mind, body and heart is key to having effective energy boundaries

  • Identify the mind, body and heart as energy centres that each have a unique role, strength and gift to contribute to maintaining the integrity of your whole energy system

  • Recognise the signs of misalignment affecting your energy boundaries

  • Diagnose your specific pattern of misalignment and understand how this is compromising your energy boundaries in relation to a specific trigger

  • Explore how you can bring more alignment and harmony to your energy centres to maintain good boundaries

  • Perform an energy attunement to align the mind, body and heart for better energy boundaries

At the end of this workshop you will… 👉

Yes will mean Yes and No will mean No! Hoorah! 🥳 

Walk away with a simple process for connecting, aligning and integrating the energy centres of your mind, body, and heart. A process that you can use repeatedly to establish and maintain energy boundaries that nourish and protect you in any situation.

Inner Teamwork! Yippee! 🍾

Feel a sense of connection and inner harmony knowing that your mind, body and heart are all on the same page and working together to help you stay energised. And you’ll be able to TRUST yourself, knowing that your energy boundaries are working for you, letting in the things that nourish and energise you and keeping out the things that drain or deplete you.

I’ll be your host 👉

Belinda Morris - has learned Boundary lessons the hard way

They say you teach what you most need to learn. I have found this to be true.

But at the risk of appearing to be the boundary-less lady who helps people set boundaries, I do believe I can help.

I’ve been energy coaching and working with the mind-body connection for nearly 15 years now. I’ve worked with A LOT of beautiful clients who get confused about where their energy begins and ends and who feel guilty for taking time out to binge on Outlander (a true tragedy!).

My work has an under-current of theory but it is also a a result of good old-fashioned experience of what works for people. In fact, most of what I present has come out of CREATIVE solutions which myself and my clients have come up with together to solve real-life problems. Some of this is best described as ‘pure gold’ and so I feel somewhat obliged to share it.

You’ll get 👉



90 Minute presentation


1 x audio version of the workshop (90 mins)

1 x guided meditation (15 mins)


PDF workbook to do the exercises


An open mind, an open heart and a some warm fuzzy feelings